Autobiography I, Sabdenbekova Aizhan Kairatovna, was born in the Almaty region, Panfilov district, in the city of Zharkent in 1991. In 2008, after graduating from high school, she entered the Kazakh National University named after S.D. Asfendiyarov at the Faculty of General Medicine and graduated with a bachelor's degree in 2013. From 2013 to 2015, she studied in an internship in the specialty "Pediatrics" and from 2016 to 2018, she studied in a residency in pediatrics at KazNMU named after S.D Asfendiyarov. Since 2018, from May to August 2022, she worked in the city polyclinic No. 3 as a district pediatrician in Almaty. The total work experience is 6 years. I speak three languages (Kazakh, Russian, English). I, a qualified pediatrician, have the second category in the specialty "Pediatrics". She took various advanced training courses in the specialty on the following topics: "Breastfeeding counseling (Trainer, WHO)", 2018god. "Integrated management of childhood diseases. Computer adapted training" in August 2018. "Universal progressive model of patronage of pregnant women and young children and UPM of patronage services for young children in April 2019. Married. Husband: Shaimuratov Rustem Muratuly , born on 19.09.1994 , higher education. I have 2 children from marriage. Daughter - Murat Tamina , born on 29.09.2016, Son- Murat Tanirzhan, born on 21.06.2022, Currently I live at the address Almaty city, Nauryzbay district ,Junisova 8/5 sq 78


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КазНМУ им.Асфендиярова

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